Tired of Broken Promises?
My AI Solution Delivers Real Results!
Move From Newbie To 6-Figure Empire
In Record Time.

$1 For 7 Days, Then Only $27 Per Month!

You can cancel ANYTIME during the 7 days without any hassle or funny business. Just login to your account settings and click “cancel my account.” Or, you can contact our support team through our help desk, and they’ll help you out. It’s that simple.

Just Added For You, My Best AI Courses! 

(Claim Your Bonuses NOW Before They Vanish!)

“Yes! Give Me Access To All Of This
Before It Goes Away Forever!"

Get Started For Only $1 For 7 Days Free Trial!

Only $27 Per Month, Cancel Anytime.

You can cancel ANYTIME during the 7 days without any hassle or funny business. Just login to your account settings and click “cancel my account.” Or, you can contact our support team through our help desk, and they’ll help you out. It’s that simple.

 Read this or miss out on a cold hard pile of commissions

From: George Wickens, Founder of Super funnel Hero

Location: Brighton, United kingdom

Time: 1:15 AM, the insane hour when I make the craziest offers imaginable to over deliver the most value...

 Read This Now, Or Miss Out On
a Cold Hard Pile Of Commissions!

From: Alessandro Zamboni

Location: Somma Lombardo, Italy

Time: It's the TIME to act!

Imagine if I took you under my wing and showed you how to generate up to $30,000 per month in commissions.

WITHOUT any "magic software" some clowns are promoting.

WITHOUT having a big name in the industry.

WITHOUT putting yourself out there.

You still have hope, even if you believe you have exhausted all options.

I'm Here To Help You
Start a Business With AI.

When I Got Started As a Seller And Affiliate, I Failed So Badly That My Wallet Was Crying.

A lot has changed since I cracked the code to become an online marketing millionaire.

Now my wallet is always full, I donate to charity, and I live my life at my best.

But if you don't know me, here is why I'm the right person for you.

I'm serious.

Now I'm a Top 1% Affiliate on WarriorPlus and a Top 5% Product Creator, meaning I'm at the top of the pyramid.

So I'm the perfect teacher for you, to show you the way to profit with AI.

I'm Not Just Showing The How, But I Will
Reveal How to Monetize What You Create,
And I Will Personally Help You Doing So.

Here's your biggest problem... 

If who shows you the methods is not making money with that system, it means it will not work
for you as well. Easy math.

The first thing you have to do is...

Cancel From Your Mind Whatever They
Told You Until Now.

What Will You Get Every Month You Decide To Stay In?

  • 4 Live Events With Full Replay: Month by month, discover how to create and launch a full project with AI. Learn how to create the product, the sales page, and how to sell many copies. With Q&A sessions. One full project per month.

  • Free Products Every Month: Every month, you will receive some of my paid products and bonus products I personally buy licenses for you.

  • Access a Super Group: Enter something totally different from Facebook Groups. My Skool group is a great place to stay, ask questions, and meet new friends.

  • Promote The Membership And Make Easy Commissions From Day One: Another big chance you have is to let your friends and customers know how beautiful it is to stay and earn commissions on a monthly basis. I will help you with this step as well.

  • Get My Help And Support: The most precious thing. You will never be left alone.

Every Month You Have a Big Chance To Follow Me, And Earn.

It may be hard to believe, but there's
a new way to make money every month
that no one else is talking about.

And it's going to be an absolute game changer for you.

It May Be Hard To Believe, But There's a Way To Making Commissions
That Is Easier Than Anything You Have Seen Until Now.

Check Out Some Of My Earnings
Made Only With AI Ideas

 Limited Time Bonus Alert

The time to order is now, before
the Treasure Chest of Bonuses disappears forever!

I'm not joking...

  • There is no catch.

  • There is no jumping through hoops.

  • There are no additional fees.

  • You will get results if you follow me to the letter.

Others Paid Way More Just For These Bonuses... You Get Them All FREE
If You Pull The Trigger Now!

Four Live Weekly Coaching Calls Per Month With Full Replays

  • Live 1 - We Create What We Need With AI.

  • Live 2 - We Prepare The Sales Page*.

  • Live 3 - We Set Up The Prelaunch.

  • ​Live 4 - Launch and Q&A.
    * You will get a free page builder

Skool Group

  • A group with resources, lessons, and more.

  • The fastest way to reach me with PMs.

  • Know new people, find business partners.

  • Stayup-to-date with new insider's info.

  • Find products I bought for you.

ChatGPT Empire

  • Discover how to use ChatGPT like a pro.

  • ​How to create a novel from zero to the final story.

  • ​How to create a non-fiction book about your favorite topic.

  • ​How to create state-of-the-art product reviews with pros and cons.

  • ​The easiest way to create stunning articles from start to end.

  • ​How to quickly and easily create recipes and kitchen books.

  • ​And much, much more!

CashGPT Empire

  • 40 outstanding services you can offer to an eager market waiting for you.

  • Each service is given with notes on how to understand the market, how to use ChatGPT for that service, how to monetize it, an example prompt I created for you, and more.

  • With multiple ways to monetize ChatGPT, you are not putting all your eggs in one basket—diversifying your income sources and ensuring more consistent earnings.

  • ​​Each service requires no more than 5/10 minutes to be created, and delivered.

  • ​Tips, tricks, and strategies that position you as a leader in the AI.

GPTs Empire

  • Build amazing apps with ChatGPT: just describe your vision, with no coding at all.

  • Explanation of What Are GPTs, And How You Can Use Them.

  • 5 Apps Creation Tutorial (a support bot, an article creator, a jokes app, a news app, and recipes app.)

  • ​How And Where To Sell Your GPTs, with my secret sales letter.

  • ​Tips, tricks and ideas.

  • ​And much more!

Prompt Selling Empire

  • Learn to create and sell AI prompts – a skill that will increasingly be in demand as AI technology continues to evolve and penetrate various sectors. 

  • Master the art of creating and selling high-quality prompts, and turn this into a potentially lucrative business or side hustle.

  • As AI continues to disrupt various industries, having a unique skill set like prompt creation and selling could give you a competitive edge.

  • ​The course teaches you to predict future trends in prompt creation, helping you stay relevant in a dynamic industry. 

Public Domain Empire 6

  • ​2024's best-kept money-making secret, with 200 public domain websites, and 10 methods to sell.

  • ​The public domain is a FREE & UNLIMITED oasis of high-quality content you can sell as your own, AS-IS, and keep 100% of the profits! Ebooks, audio books, comics, images, clip art, photos, movies, sound, audio clips, maps, patents, secret documents, and much more!Master the art of creating and selling high-quality prompts, and turn this into a potentially lucrative business or side hustle.

  • NEW FOR 2024. Tons of new resources have been added to the public domain, and I will walk you through which ones are the best and most lucrative, plus how to download them so you can use them as your own.

You Will Become An AI Expert, The Job Of The Future.

A World Economic Forum report predicts that by 2025, AI will create 97 million new jobs while removing an average of 85 million people from their actual positions. And I bet you want to be on the right side of this equation.

So it's fundamental to prepare yourself ahead of time, to be one of the AI experts.

What's It Going To Be Like
If You Pass This Up?

Imagine what it'll be like if you decide your answer is "no." You and I both know exactly where that path leads. Simply take a look into the future... a month... 6 months... 1 year... 5 years... AI will dominate every piece of our lives, even outside of computers. Do you really want to be out of the game so early?

You can see your trajectory right now. Where does it lead? What does your life look like? Are you still struggling to beat your head against the wall and use broken systems? Still ripping your hair out when software doesn't work the way they say it will?

Now Picture This...

Imagine Looking At Your Friends Who
Said You Didn't Make It, Showing
You Achieved Your Biggest Dream.

Becoming Rich With AI!

Yes... You Can Become The Queen or King of AI,
Making Multiple Commissions While You Sleep.

Click The Happy Little Buy Button Now And Get All This...

Price Increase Coming Soon!

You can cancel ANYTIME during the 7 days without any hassle or funny business. Just login to your account settings and click “cancel my account.” Or, you can contact our support team through our help desk, and they’ll help you out. It’s that simple.

Today Just $1 For 7 Days Free Trial!
Then $27/Month, Cancel Anytime.

  • 4 Live Weekly Coaching Sessions: Discover a full method and how to make money in 4 easy lessons. Every month a brand new method that works for you.

  • Skool Group: The place where you can ask questions, post your earnings, get prizes, and know great people to team up with.

  • Every Month, Two Full Products: I choose from my catalogue two new products for you, including a front-end, and a one-time-offer for you. It's worth $44 per month.

  • Every Month, Brand New Products: I give you brand new products never published outside this membership. Something fresh for you. It's worth over $150 per month.

  • My Full Support: You can reach me anytime you need help. You can reach me on the Skool group, or via my email address.

  • Bonus 1: ChatGPT Empire - This is my guide on how to use ChatGPT like a pro, worth $17.

  • Bonus 2: CashGPT Empire - Discover 40 easy jobs you can complete with AI, and get paid for. Worth $17.

  • Bonus 3: GPTs Empire - The step-by-step guide to learn how to create apps with ChatGPT in few easy steps. Worth $17.

  • Bonus 4: Prompt Selling Empire - See how you can become a prompt creator and seller, with all the hidden resources. Worth $17.

  • Bonus 5: Public Domain Empire 6 - All the latest news in public domain. There are thousands of pictures, photos, books, videos, and more that you can use for your projects. Worth $17.

You will be sad if you wait until the bonuses are pulled. Why not order now?

Tick Tock... The Bonuses Are Going Away!

Stay In 7 Days For $1, Then Pay $27/month.

This Membership Allows You
To Make The Right Steps
To Live The Life You Deserve.

It's About Gaining RESPECT
From Family, Friends, Banks, And More.

Finally... Someone Had To Do It.

Don't Be Scared If You Are a Newbie. And If You Are An Advanced, I Will Help You Multiply Your Earnings.

This is the unique membership where
I guide you on a weekly basis to do
the right steps to create complete projects to make money.


7 Days For $1
(Leave It If You Don't Like It)

Test this membership for 7 full days.

Watch the materials, watch at least one video, and surf the Skool group. See the quality you get.

If you're not happy for any reason or no reason at all, then...

You Can Stop It Without Paying a Cent.

No jumping through hoops. No hard feelings. We will part friends.

In fact, I will thank you for giving my product a try.

Order Now Before Price Increases

Today Only $1 For 7 Days Free Trial

You can cancel ANYTIME during the 7 days without any hassle or funny business. Just login to your account settings and click “cancel my account.” Or, you can contact our support team through our help desk, and they’ll help you out. It’s that simple.

What Is This Membership
Worth To You?

This is something new and never-seen-before.
I will work for you almost full time to bring you to profits.
I will give you easy steps, simple homeworks, and you will see results.

What Is Going To Be For You Having An Online Business
Up And Producing Profits For You From The First Month?

Bonus Treasure Chest

With 4 Weekly Live Coaching Sessions Per Month, a Support Group, And New Goodies
Added For You Every Month!

  • 4 Live Weekly Coaching Sessions Per Month .............................................. $997 Value

  • BONUS: Skool Support Group ........................................................................... $147 Value

  • ​​BONUS: 5 Full Products .......................................................................................    $85 Value

  • BONUS: 2 Products Per Month .........................................................................    $45 Value

  • ​​BONUS: Bonuses And Prizes .............................................................................. $297 Value

  • My Support ................................................................................................................ $997 value

Total Value: $2,568



You can cancel ANYTIME during the 7 days without any hassle or funny business. Just login to your account settings and click “cancel my account.” Or, you can contact our support team through our help desk, and they’ll help you out. It’s that simple.

"But Alessandro... Why Would Anyone Give Away All Of These Things
For So Few Dollars?"

Here Are a Few Reviews
From My Customers

I have been in this field for 16 years. Battling every day with scammers, low-quality products, false promises, bad people, and an infinity more.

Whoever knows me by some time can tell you I'm a rare breed. I help people on a daily basis, I do all that I can to keep my prices low, and more.

Laszlo Csomor Testimonial

Over the past 2-3 years, I've enjoyed engaging with several of Alessandro's products and courses. Each time, I've been thoroughly impressed with the quality and depth of the content provided. Alessandro stands out in a crowded field, not just through his exceptional educational material but also due to his commitment to integrity.

Alessandro's approach is a breath of fresh air in an industry where quick fixes and overpromises are common. His teachings are grounded in practicality and ethical practices, ensuring that his clients achieve success and do so in a manner that is sustainable and respectful of the industry's evolving dynamics. His honest and straightforward communication style fosters trust and reliability, setting him apart as a true leader in the internet marketing niche.

I wholeheartedly recommend Alessandro's courses and products for anyone looking to delve into internet marketing. His dedication to quality and integrity will guide you to success and instill in you the best practices essential for long-term growth in this dynamic field.

Lesley Hallows Testimonial

Hello. I'm relatively new to coming across Alessandro Zambossi and his products.

The first of his products that I purchased is his Self Publishing Empire, a goldmine of valuable tutorials and insights, in easy-to-understand and implemented steps. It's still early for me to share any tangible results, though rest assured that my library of self-published books is mounting, and ready to publish on the platforms taught in the programme.

I've been so impressed with Alessandro's value for investment, expertise, and support, that I've since gone on to invest in his CashGPT Empire, Public Domain Empire 6, and Christmas Stories Empire, which I shall be delving into very soon.

In addition to Alessandro's products is his private inner circle group open to his students, which is proving to be a very supportive community, led at the helm by Alessandro himself.

I am more than happy to continue learning from Alessandro.

Look. It Doesn't Matter How Many Times You May Have Failed In The Past...

The Hidden Secret To $30,000 a Month
Is Finding The Right Method Between
The 10,000 Released Every Year.
And I Have It Ready For You.

So stop everything you are doing and head into the member's area now.

You are going to be blown away with how simple this is. And how fast your life can change. Everything in your life can change literally overnight with my system.

You are going to be pleasantly surprised when you refresh your account and see a whole pile of commissions. The hidden secret to 5 figures per month in commissions has been right under your nose this whole time.

Wait a minute... I get all THIS? For just $27?
And Can I Stay In 7 Days FOr Only $1?

You've got to be joking. That's impossible.

As Crazy As It May Sound
For You, It's All True.

  • 4 Live Weekly Coaching Sessions Per Month .............................................. $997 Value

  • BONUS: Skool Support Group ........................................................................... $147 Value

  • ​​BONUS: 5 Full Products .......................................................................................    $85 Value

  • BONUS: 2 Products Per Month .........................................................................    $45 Value

  • ​​BONUS: Bonuses And Prizes .............................................................................. $297 Value

  • My Support ................................................................................................................ $997 value

Total Value: $2,568



You can cancel ANYTIME during the 7 days without any hassle or funny business. Just login to your account settings and click “cancel my account.” Or, you can contact our support team through our help desk, and they’ll help you out. It’s that simple.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: How Does The Refund Policy Work?

A: You can access the membership for $1 per seven days before deciding to stay or refuse. If you refuse, you can stop the membership, and you won't pay a cent. If you remain after the first seven days, you can stop the payments anytime and finish the month you already paid before getting out of the membership and losing all your advantages, videos, and so on.

Q: When will I receive my access to the members area and the free bonuses?

A: You will receive your access instantly to the members area straight away, You will get your access more than one way. Just so we can make sure you get your access ASAP. We will send access via email directly to the email you used to make your purchase. Plus also via the payment platform in the purchases area.

Q: Are All Of The Bonuses Really FREE?! What's the catch?

A: YES the bonuses are truly free for you. Every bonus offered on this page for free is exactly what you will receive free of charge for taking action and getting started with Profit Pulse System today.

Q: Who Is This For?

A: This is for you if you are sick and tired of constantly buying those crappy products that simple don't work, if you want something that actually works when used correctly and implemented. This is perfect for you to get started with right now and see real results.

Q: Do You Have A Guarantee?

A: YES, for seven days you won't pay me a cent. You can decide in that week if the membership is worth it, or not. I do not accept any refund request after the seven days, meaning you can get out anytime you want, but you can't get months of membership refunded.

Q: How Much Does It Cost?:

A: $27 per month after free 7 days. This membership should have been sold for $97/month, but to help you I slashed the price.

Q: Are There Any Hidden Fees?:

A: Nope, there are no hidden fees. The unique thing you *should* pay for is an autoresponder, but only if you want to get more money from your work.

All You have To Do Is Say "YES"

 And All Of This Can Be Yours. 

For Just $1 For 7 Days Free Trial!

You can cancel ANYTIME during the 7 days without any hassle or funny business. Just login to your account settings and click “cancel my account.” Or, you can contact our support team through our help desk, and they’ll help you out. It’s that simple.

Thanks a lot, and see you on the inside!
Alessandro Zamboni

Support Email: puck82@gmail.com

Internet Marketing Italy By Alessandro Zamboni - P.I. IT03366130122 - C.F. ZMBLSN82A23F205V
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