This Is The Most Incredible Way To Use Existing Traffic To Sell New Short Stories!

Create Amazing Stories With The Iconic Characters
Of The Public Domain, With 513 Prompts.

Grab "Public Domain Prompts Empire" Now And Start
Creating Fantastic Prequels, Sequels And Study Books
About The Most Famous PD Stories Ever Released.

From The desk of Alessandro Zamboni and Paulo Gro

Dear Friend,

If you are like us, you love the entire public domain for what it provides every year: a lot of books, short stories, and novels.

Imagine being able to take these iconic characters you know and love, breathe new life into them with compelling new stories that people can't resist buying, and drive sales. Our expertly crafted prompts are designed to do just that. By leveraging public domain works, we provide you with the tools to create prequels, sequels, and unseen adventures that resonate with readers just like the big Hollywood studios do with blockbuster remakes and comic book franchises.

Our prompts don't just scratch the surface—they go deep into the essence of each character, ensuring that every story you create feels authentic and true to the original while offering fresh, engaging narratives.

Whether it's Sherlock Holmes' first case, Elizabeth Bennet's formative experiences, or Captain Nemo's motivations for living beneath the sea, our prompts guide you to explore and expand these timeless tales.

Don't Settle For Ordinary. Use The High-Quality Prompts To Create Extraordinary Stories That Stand The Test Of Time.

Imagine Selling These Stories, Or Gifting Them To a
Family Member Who Loves The Character. It's Priceless
To See Smiles On Their Faces!

Here Is a First Example Chapter Of a Story We Created.
With One Prompt, You Get...

A Complete 12-Page Outline
You Can Turn Into a 36 Pages Story.

A Description for Amazon.

For Each Page, You Can Ask
ChatGPT To Create An Image.

Now Introducing "Public Domain Prompts Empire"!

513 ChatGPT Prompts To Turn Old Public Domain Stories Into Bestsellers!

What Type Of Prompts Will You Find Inside?


Stories that take place before the events of the original novels, and explore the characters' pasts and what shaped them.


Episodes that could have happened during the timelines of the novels but were not covered in the original stories.


Events from the original novels retold from the point of view of a different character, offering new insights.


What happens to the characters after the original stories conclude, respecting the outcomes of the originals?


Delving into the backgrounds of lesser-explored characters, revealing their origins and paths to becoming who they are in the novels.


Focusing on the inner drives, secrets, or motivations of characters that were only hinted at in the original stories.


Exploring the possibility of redemption for characters who were antagonists or morally ambiguous in the original novels.


Stories about the descendants or successors of the original characters, showing how the legacies of the characters live on.


Adventures centered around the characters searching for or discovering items of significance that were mentioned or hinted at in the originals.


Adventures that take characters into alternate realities or dimensions while keeping their core personalities and motivations intact.


The characters uncover or battle against hidden societies or conspiracies that were operating behind the scenes of the original narratives.


Placing characters in the context of real historical events or moments that align with the timelines of their original stories.


Bringing together characters from different novels within the public domain for joint adventures or shared challenges.


Stories focus on the personal development, learning, or emotional maturation of the characters.


Addressing mysteries, loose ends, or unanswered questions from the original novels.


Characters venturing into unknown lands, or dealing with the challenges and beauties of nature in their world.


Characters facing moral, ethical, or philosophical challenges that test their beliefs and decisions.


Uncover the hidden backstories of key events or objects in the novels, revealing secrets that could change the understanding of the original plots.


Stories that run concurrently with the main events of the novels, providing a different context or revealing actions that occurred off-page.


Imagining scenarios where characters who were separated or had unfinished business in the originals meet again, offering closure or new beginnings.


Tales told through found documents, letters, or diaries of the characters, offering intimate insights into their thoughts and feelings.


Focusing on characters undergoing quests that test their values, virtues, and decisions, leading to significant personal or societal change.


Narratives from the antagonists' points of view, provide depth to their motivations and actions, perhaps casting them in a more sympathetic light.


Bringing minor characters or mentioned adversaries to the forefront, giving them their own stories and challenges.


Exploring the inner worlds of characters through their dreams, visions, or spiritual journeys, revealing their fears, hopes, and desires.


Stories where the natural world plays a critical and active role in the narrative, possibly possessing its own will and interacting with the characters.


Exploring themes of forgiveness and reconciliation, either between characters or within themselves, resolves long-standing conflicts or internal struggles.

513 Prompts To Create
Amazing Stories!

Yes! You will also find Tom Sawyer's story prompts!

How Can You Make Money With
Fresh Stories On Public Domain?

  • Sell Them On Kindle

    This way, people searching for classic titles will find yours, and half of the marketing will be done quickly.

  • Sell Them As Paper Books

    Avid book readers sometimes prefer to obtain an actual book copy for collecting purposes, so go for it.

  • Sell Them As Collectibles

    Release a limited edition of your book, made only for collectors. Care a lot about adding special bonuses, such as secret chapters, analysis, etc.

  • Sell Them As Audiobooks

    Audiobook growth is unstoppable. Could you take advantage of it?

  • Release The Book On Your Website

    If you have a blog, release one chapter per week, to keep readers attached to your website and promote other books.

  • Create An Email Series

    Create one email per chapter, keep people waiting for your next one, and send them offers while they wait.

  • Create a Free Introduction Book

    Use a couple of chapters to get people into the story for free, and then ask for a payment to give them the complete book.

  • Become a Ghostwriter

    Once you get good with this, become a paid solution for writers!

I Just Scratched The Surface Here.
There Are a Lot of Ways To
Make Money With These Books!

This Is The Unique Public Domain Prompt Collection
To Make Money Using The Success Of The Best Books.

With Those 513 ChatGPT Prompts, You Can Create
Wonderful Public Domain Stories Based On:

  • Sherlock Holmes Cases

  • Pride and Prejudice

  • Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea

  • ​The Scarlett's Letter

  • Frankenstein

  • ​Wuthering Heights

  • Les Misérables

  • ​Robinson Crusoe

  • Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

  • The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

  • Little Women

  • Dracula

  • The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

  • Moby Dick

  • Don Quixote

  • ​Around The World In 80 Days

  • A Christmas Carol

  • Dorian Gray

  • Dorothy in the Land of Oz

  • And many, many more!

Imagine Getting Your New Book Seen Around The Original One. Don't You Think Readers Will
Buy Yours Just For Curiosity?

Who Am I?

My name is Alessandro Zamboni, I’m from Italy, and I’ve been an “in the trenches” internet marketer since 2008.

I’ve created and sold many different products and courses in a wide array of niches. And I’ve had success to the point where I reached over 7 figures from my efforts and 74 Deals of the Day.

But it wasn’t always like this… As a young man, I had some serious medical issues, culminating in a benign tumor being removed from my head surgically, with two operations. I’ve pretty much never been the same since and I’m still recovering.

I became disabled and unable to work a traditional job due to my health issues. So I had no choice but to seek out alternative methods of making money to support myself and my family. I struggled for years before anything clicked but once I tasted success I ran with it.

And here I am all these years later still fighting, still recovering, and still helping people get great results in their lives from online marketing.

Let's Talk About The Power Of Those Prompts!

What You Get From a Prompt Is a Complete 12-Page Outline That You Can Turn Into 36 Page Books With Images, And An Amazon Description. Something Never Seen Before!

Let's See Your Advantages!

  • Speed and Efficiency

    With our prompts, you can quickly generate high-quality content that’s ready for publishing. No more spending countless hours brainstorming and structuring your stories. Simply use a prompt to kickstart the creative process and streamline your writing workflow.

  • Market Appeal

    By focusing on well-known public domain characters, your stories are instantly recognizable and appealing to a wide audience, following in the footsteps of original masterworks. This can significantly enhance the marketability of your books, tapping into existing fan bases of beloved classics.

  • Versatility

    These prompts offer flexibility in your publishing strategy. Whether you want to publish individual short stories or compile them into an anthology, our prompts provide a solid foundation for various formats and genres, allowing you to cater to diverse reader preferences.

  • Quality and Authenticity

    Our prompts are meticulously crafted to ensure that the new stories align with the tone, style, and character traits of the original works. This authenticity not only satisfies die-hard fans but also attracts new readers looking for fresh takes on classic tales.

  • Eliminate Writer's Block

    With a clear starting point and direction provided by the prompts, you’re less likely to experience writer’s block. This keeps your creativity flowing and ensures a steady output of publishable material.

  • More Creativity At Your Disposal

    These prompts serve as a springboard for your imagination, encouraging you to explore new dimensions of familiar characters and stories. This not only enriches your writing experience but also leads to unique and engaging content that stands out in the market.

  • Highest Revenue Potential

    By creating and publishing stories that expand on popular public domain works, you can tap into a lucrative niche. Readers who love these classic characters are often eager for more stories, and your high-quality prompts enable you to meet this demand effectively.

Start Creating Stories From The Best Public Domain Titles!
This Is An Outstanding Opportunity!

Wait! There Are Some Amazing Bonuses For You
If You Grab The Prompts Right Now!

High Priority Email Support

You will get priority access to my email to get extra support and help whenever you need them.

100 Public Domain

Connection Prompts!

Have you ever imagined what would happen if Frankenstein met Dracula? Or if Sherlock Holmes was involved in the Legend of Sleepy Hollow? Now you can, with those 100 prompts, cross famous public domain characters, and their stories!

Prepare To Release Incredible
Stories That Sell!

Don't let the blank pages limit your creativity. Our "Public Domain Prompts Empire" is your key to unlocking new story possibilities that not only pay homage to classic literature but also breathe new life into it.

Whether you are a seasoned writer or just starting out, these prompts provide the perfect foundation to elevate your storytelling and achieve success in the literary world.

Join the ranks of successful writers who have amazed readers with new tales about timeless characters. Start your journey today and see how our prompts can help you create stories that captivate and sell. With our prompt pack, the possibilities are endless, and the rewards are within reach.

All You Need To Get Your Hands On
"513 Public Domain Prompts" For Creating

Amazing Prequels, Sequels, And Study Books
Is One Click On The Button Below.

And don’t worry, you get to enjoy those top quality prompts completely risk-free…

Your investment today is protected by our…

Iron Clad 14-Day Money Back Guarantee

We are so confident that when you get your hands on "Public Domain Prompts Empire" you are going to be able to start earning money selling whatever you create with them, or using it for yourself.

So much so that we are willing to make this a completely risk-free investment.
Simply secure your access today and if at any time during the next 14 days you aren’t completely thrilled about the never-seen-before prompts you get…

I want you to contact us and we will immediately issue a "prompt" refund for 100% of the purchase price to you, no questions asked! The refund will take max 48 hours, generally much less. Do not open Paypal disputes, or you will lose them.

If you also need help, please contact me through my email address.

With a guarantee and a price like this, we have done everything we can to get this amazing prompt set into your hands!

Don't Miss Out On This Golden Opportunity
To Finally Publish And Sell Books In Niches
That Already Have a Lot of Traffic!

Grab "Public Domain Prompts Empire" Now

And Start Creating The Most Unforgettable Stories.

Are you ready to turn your ideas into great stories? Click the link below to order your "Public Domain Prompts Empire" now, and start on a creative journey that will delight readers and elevate your writing career. Don’t wait—the world is ready for your stories!

Simply click the order button below and you will be taken directly to the order form where you can enter your payment information and check out.

Which Rights Do You Have On The Texts You Create?

You cannot sell our prompts "as-is", BUT you have all the rights on the texts you create. You can sell them, give them away for free,
use them for self-publishing, PLR, and in any way you like.

Thanks and we look forward to hearing your new stories!

Alessandro Zamboni

Paulo Gro

P.S. Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to bring beloved characters back to life with your own creative touch. Our prompt pack is a proven tool for crafting attractive stories that readers can't resist. Order now and start creating your next bestseller today!

P.P.S. Remember, this offer isn't just about the value you will receive today but about the impact you will make tomorrow. By seizing this opportunity, you are positioning yourself to create stunning stories for people who are waiting them by decades!

The Brand Of Top Quality Online Marketing Courses

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