Duplicate The Exact Steps I Took To

Create a Short Fiction Book Using AI
& Make $500+ In 22 Days.

Turn Public Domain Works Into Bestsellers: How I Made $523
In 22 Days Publishing a Never-Seen-Before Single Short Book.

From The Desk Of

Alessandro Zamboni

So, let's be real... 

Writing a book feels like a huge undertaking, especially if it's your first time.

But imagine this: you could write a novel quickly and it could hit the bestseller lists…

...bringing you not just royalties, but also a lot of respect.

...and you can do this in just one week.

If someone told you that you need years and a constant flow of inspiration to write a good book, they weren’t giving you the whole picture.

What you really need is a step-by-step plan. And the proper tools.

And this plan isn’t just anywhere...

I've created it, and it's only available here, right on this page. Keep reading.


I'm not just suggesting you try out a new tip.

I'm inviting you to consider the information in this message.

It’s especially relevant if you find yourself thinking, "I'm not cut out to write a book."

This ‘Fiction Empire’ method might just change your mind.

Today’s typical self-publishing methods are overly complex...

They take too much time...

They don’t deliver...

And they prevent you from reaching the success you want.


You might not be familiar with the Fiction Empire Method...

...but you’re in the right place at the right time by being here.

I'm guessing your writing career hasn’t quite taken off recently.

Things might feel like they're at a standstill.

That’s a common struggle for many writers and online entrepreneurs...

Month after month. Year after year.

Unless you ditch those outdated promises...

And switch to a system that's backed by tangible results.

Many people have been misguided by traditional publishers, online myths, and even writing workshops, to finish in a library somewhere, forgotten.

But what you actually need is a straightforward, effective approach.


Leveraging AI technology and proven strategies can yield quicker results, and these "effective" methods have proven to work better than just waiting for inspiration.

Look at successful authors.

They follow specific routines and use tools to create their stories...

...even though they didn’t have the advanced tools we have now.

I’ve looked into these traditional methods... and mixed them with modern tactics... create what I’m about to show you.

Listen: I never need more than two weeks to see success.

And you could see results just as quickly...or even quicker.

The Fiction Empire Method Is Changing The Game.

Look, traditional methods have their place, but honestly, they're not the quickest or most efficient anymore.

You’re not looking to spend every waking hour on this, right? You're willing to put in some solid, focused time if it means seeing real results.

So take a breath... I've tailored this method specifically for people like you!

Fiction Empire is a streamlined process for transforming public domain works into hit novels, blending innovative creativity, precise targeting, and strategic optimization that’s already helped many authors.

Did You Know?

Long before "self-publishing" was a buzzword, and way before you had to burn yourself out trying to figure out the formula for a bestselling book, the top authors were already using the core principles that we’ve built into our Fiction Empire method?

Also, Did You Know?

The traditional route—sending manuscripts to publishers—might work to some extent. But it's a slow process, and waiting on someone else’s approval could leave you in limbo, which just isn’t sustainable.

How am I so sure?

I'm Alessandro Zamboni, the creator behind the trusted self-publishing system, Fiction Empire. I’ve helped a broad range of students from all walks of life because I focus on quick, repeatable results.

My Method is Wildly Different. I Show You How to Get Sales...

Trust me, I’ve been around the block.

I’ve seen everything, tried a ton, and I’ve chosen to stick with what actually works—and that’s the Fiction Empire formula.

It’s supported by the success of many authors and has been tried and tested by everyone from beginners to seasoned self-publishers...

Now, you won’t find any tricks here. Why? Because those gimmicks just don’t work, and deep down, you know it. All those marketers and “gurus” trying to sell you a quick fix? They’re not fooling you.

But I’ve got good news. There really is a much quicker way to get results. It needs a different approach and some real commitment from you.

With that, it’d be hard NOT to succeed.

Remember, we’re not about wasting money. I developed Fiction Empire for people focused on results. 

Want to Start Making Money Online With
Or Without Any Writing Experience?

This course shows you how to tap into huge reader audiences, get your books noticed, and kick-start a profitable side hustle—all without writing a single original word yourself!

Just know this...

Why This Stands Out... And Why It's Effective

Unless you've been a hit author, worked with top literary agents for decades, and really know the ins and outs of the publishing world, you just can't get this information anywhere else...

You could go the route of expensive writing coaches, spend endless hours writing and editing on your own, or even use those basic publishing guides. But why go through all that?

I've built this program for you. It packs all the strategies, writing tips, a single copy/paste prompt that works for a hundred pages, and publishing steps into one easy-to-use, straightforward program that can get you amazing results in just 30 days. No beating around the bush...

And there's solid proof backing it up.

See For Yourself That I Made $500+ In Just One Month
With This New Set Of Methods, And Only One Short Book.

So, it's your choice: use what I've put together for you, or start scouring the internet and hope for the best.

But really, you won't find a complete system like this anywhere else—one that can really kick your writing career into high gear and boost your confidence, no matter if you're a total beginner, a self-published author, or just someone looking to earn from writing, no matter your experience in publishing or marketing.

I've heard this myth time and again...

"Writing a bestseller has to be done THIS really complex way... after all, writers need a tough challenge to get results."

That's just not true!

One straightforward program...this one...

will work for any writer at any level, without needing any major changes.

Success isn’t about “luck”; it's about having a system that works. That means you can hit your writing targets without worrying about "not finishing your book" or "not making money from it."

Now, compare the books published through traditional methods with the success stories of writers who've used this system. Including me!

It's all possible because of the 10 modules included in what I'm going to show you next.

Let's dive into them now...

Unlock The Power Of Using Public Domain Works To Create
Brand New Short Books That Really Sell With This New System!

With the Public Domain, you can explore a world of classic characters and popular genres that are sure to engage your readers and boost your sales.

My step-by-step video series helps you create compelling outlines and use AI to easily write your stories. Learn how to nail your pricing and marketing to make the most money, and pick up some tips on getting those 5-star reviews that make your book stand out.

Our training goes deep into how to promote your book in different ways that work, and how to build a writer’s profile that lasts.

The Young Charlie Chan I Created, Solving One Of His Cases.

Here’s What You’ll Get With This Package:

  • A tested system for making money from public domain works in a creative way.

  • Advice on picking the right genres and characters that sell.

  • Simple techniques for sketching out your stories with the help of AI.

  • Insider tips on setting the right price and marketing smartly to maximize your earnings.

  • How to get SALES and put your book where the hungry buyer traffic already is.

  • Proven strategies for snagging 5-star reviews and increasing your book's visibility.

  • In-depth training on promoting your book effectively on social media.

  • A plan for creating a lasting and successful writing career.

  • 9 detailed videos that walk you through everything step by step.

  • And much more!

Start Your Path To Becoming a Successful Author Today With All
The Tools, Techniques, And Insider Knowledge I’ve Put Together
In This System. Let’s Get Writing!

Everything You Need To Know Is Packed Into
This Easy-To-Use System: Fiction Empire!

Meet Fiction Empire, the ultimate course for writers or online entrepreneurs who want to make a living from self-publishing books without the headaches of writer’s block, sales, or marketing...

I earned $523 in 22 days from just one single short book.

This course leverages public domain content with simple strategies to pump out never-seen-before bestsellers.

Fiction Empire is a full-fledged strategy to get your books published quickly and profitably, letting you live your dream as a writer...

If you’re stuck trying to write and publish a successful book or if the whole publishing process seems too much, Fiction Empire has everything you need to turn your passion into a steady income.

Or, if you’re just looking for a simple, easy, and fast way to make money online...

The course is all online, which means you can access it right from your computer in the next 5 minutes. 

Start actually selling books with tons of resources at your disposal, including my exact AI prompts, powerful outline creation strategies, marketing plans for two rarely used social media sites, and all the steps needed for publishing on Kindle.

Fiction Empire lets you...

• Change your mindset and career as you learn about the "Fiction Empire" method that has helped countless writers turn public domain works into profitable books...

• Pull from real-life case studies from writers who've built their own fiction empires with this course...

Streamline your writing process with effective outline strategies using AI and secret prompts...

• Draw inspiration from writers who have tackled writer’s block, publishing issues, and the challenge of getting good reviews...

Reach financial stability with a proven system that helps you boost sales and profits through thoughtful pricing and marketing...

Before We Dive Deeper, Let’s Quickly Recap
What We’ve Covered So Far:

  • The quickest way to shift your writing career—publish books fast, maximize profits, and achieve financial freedom—is to use public domain works as an idea to create something fresh. Forget endless brainstorming sessions, battling writer’s block, or compromising on quality...

  • One BIG mistake you absolutely MUST AVOID is trying to figure out popular genres or characters on your own, especially if you’re just starting. Random efforts don’t usually pan out!

  • The answer lies in a strategic, step-by-step that doesn’t add to your stress (you gain clarity and confidence as you go through these structured steps) and requires just a focused effort.

  • The results have stood the test of time... and now, YOU can get your hands on the "handbook" video version of this proven system that I’ve been lucky enough to develop!

I Can't Take All The Credit For Fiction Empire...

You’ve probably heard, "It takes a village to raise a child." Well, it took a "family" of highly experienced, successful writers who practiced what they preached... to prove what works and what doesn’t.

The best books come from very strategic and focused methods. These methods do require little effort, but it’s effort ANY WRITER can manage at ANY STAGE (I’ve proven this over and over, for newbies as well).

Go It Alone, And You’ll End Up Confused And Frustrated...

We’ve seen people try to do it by themselves without Fiction Empire.

The outcomes are NOT pretty.

Seeing how simple the Fiction Empire method is, some think they can manage on their own without the detailed instructions and specifics provided in the Fiction Empire course.

Most of the time, they end up quite confused. That’s because the Fiction Empire method is very specific.

Would you start investing in the stock market after watching a finance movie and thinking you knew what you were doing? Of course not. This is no different. When we tell writers there are specific steps, they often jump in and try to GUESS which doesn’t work that way.

WARNING: This Is Definitely Not For Everyone.

There are some people for whom we just don’t want this information... No offense, but we don’t want you to waste your time or money. Fair?

Fiction Empire Is WRONG For You IF:

  • You think "simple" means "no effort at all." Keep dreaming. Every writing and publishing plan requires work. We’ve just made it as straightforward as possible.

  • You hesitate to follow strategic guidelines. We cover some very basic, essential steps that you’ll need to take to see quick results. These are vital, especially if you’re aiming for financial success. Nothing radical, but won’t be publishing effortlessly and waking up with the career you dream.

  • You don’t like following structured steps. We prefer a structured approach, but you can adapt the Fiction Empire's method to your style. You will STILL need to follow the key steps: we guide you on how to use what you have or, even better, invest in some useful tools and resources (not mandatory, but recommended). A structured approach is your best bet.

  • You think, "I'm too inexperienced to do this." Listen: you are NOT too inexperienced. We’ve seen writers from all walks of life succeed with this system, so drop that doubt!

  • Or, you’re one of those folks who might buy the course and then let it sit on your desktop and never read it. Please, don’t waste your money if that’s going to be the case. However, if that IS the case, just know you’ll only feel more overwhelmed...and probably more frustrated...unless you take action for your writing career, starting today.

    To make a recap, it's simple enough, but you need to follow five or six steps to make this work, and achieve results you thought were impossible to achieve.

Keep This In Mind.

It might look simple, but like E=MC2, there’s a lot more to it. Einstein once said, "Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler." That’s what I’ve done here: I’ve broken down the process of turning public domain works into profitable books, picking genres and characters, writing with AI, and succeeding on Kindle into easy steps with secret advertising tools you never heard before.

So, don’t let the simplicity fool you. Just follow the guide in Fiction Empire. Trust me, it works.

Why It's Just $17?

I wanted this to be a no-brainer for any writer starting out, anyone self-publishing, or content creators needing a proven, simple method to build their writing career without much hassle.

I’ve set this low price to make it affordable... until handling customer support emails becomes too much (and I get a lot of grateful emails that I believe deserve personal replies).

This is a straightforward, comprehensive system designed to get results fast and efficiently.

I’ve done the hard yards. I’ve spent years diving into self-publishing, figuring out how to use AI to create awesome works of fiction and to assist with writing, and learning how to master digital book sales.

I didn’t "reinvent" writing. I just made it as straightforward as possible. So yeah, I think $17 is a fair price... and I’m keeping it there for now (keep reading to find out why...).


Discover How I Made My Kindle Book a Bestseller In a Day,
Bringing In Over $200 Of Sales In 24 Hours!

Here's Where This Gets Really Exciting...

You’ve got a full 14 day GUARANTEE with Fiction Empire.

If you're not thrilled with the boost in your writing career... if your book sales don’t jump... if you don’t feel more confident with every publication... and love how simple it is to create and sell your books...

Just shoot us an email. I’ll refund every cent you spent.

14 Days Money Back Guarantee
If you are not happy with your purchase, please send me an email clicking the
link below, and I will refund your purchase in max 48 hours. Thanks.

If you also need help, please contact me through my email address.

Keep In Mind... Only a Limited Number Will Be Sold At This Price.

After I’ve sold a few thousand copies at this super low price, I know I’ll be stretched thin in providing personal support... and I will HAVE TO RAISE THE PRICE.

It’s best to order now to make sure you get in at the lowest price possible.

Don’t Miss Out—Here’s What’s Next...

Let’s talk straight: Here's what happens if you decide to pass on this...

Continuing down your current path without making a change could keep you from reaching your goals as a writer. You might have to let go of the dream of topping the bestseller lists or gaining financial freedom.

You’ll likely continue to struggle with doubts about your writing ability or how to craft a good outline. The frustration with navigating Kindle publishing won’t just disappear, and the challenge of book promotions on social media might still feel like too much to maoined the Fiction Empire program moving forward and enjoying their progress.

As time goes on, you’ll have let go of a great chance to make the self-publishing process and selling books simpler and more straightforward—especially at this unbeatable price.

It’s not the most positive message, I know, but I believe in being straightforward.

And I believe in you. I’m confident you’ll make a decision that greatly increases your chances of becoming a successful self-published author.

And When You Do Decide, You Will...

  • Transform public domain works into books that sell...

  • Identify popular genres and characters that naturally attract readers...

  • Easily craft outlines and write 30,000-word novels using AI and specific prompts...

  • Learn the steps to efficiently publish on Kindle and maximize your earnings...

  • Find out how to quickly secure 5-star reviews...

  • Use one big secret tool to increase your book’s visibility and sales...

  • And focus on two social media sites you never thought about...

  • Build a successful fiction empire and start earning passive income.

So, What Are You Waiting For?

Thanks so much, and see you on the inside!
Your Success Awaits You!

Alessandro Zamboni

P.S. The longer you wait, the harder it is to change things. Take action now, while you’re motivated...

P.P.S. Don't lose the chance to be able to publish without having ideas, and by simply following a plan that has been tested for you.

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