Alessandro Zamboni & Paulo Gro Present You...

Prompts Empire

A Set Of 448 Dall-e 3 Prompts To Create Beautiful Bible Images.

Join Us February 18th, 2024 at 10 a.m. EST

Alessandro Zamboni offers years of experience in online marketing. His solid background is full of successful product launches, with 67 Deals Of The Day titles and quality products sold on WarriorPlus and ClickFunnels. 

Alessandro Zamboni

Paulo Gro

Paulo Gro has recently shown great expertise in prompt creation, selling great prompts packages on WarriorPlus made for content creation, marketing, advertising, and much more exciting topics.


1st Prize: $250
2nd Prize: $150
3rd Prize: $100
4th Prize: $50
5th Prize: $50

Hello and Welcome to the Official JV Page of


We are happy to announce the launch of our brand new "Bible Prompts Empire," a comprehensive set of 448 prompts specifically designed to create stunning Bible images with Dall-e 3 for coloring book creation. Additionally, we are including an exclusive bonus of 180 ChatGPT prompts focused on monetizing your Bible coloring books.

Why Promote "Bible Prompts Empire"?

The Bible is the most sold book of all time, with well over 5 billion copies. So it's easy to find out why this is a great group of people to target. People devoted to the Bible love to color images of Jesus, the Apostles, the Old and New Testaments, and more. And a coloring book in this niche is always a great gift.

Generous Commissions

You earn 50% on every sale. We are offering an exceptional 50% commission rate on every sale you make, from front-end to the last OTO. This is an excellent opportunity to boost your earnings in the first month of the year.

Exciting Contest of $600!

To make things more exciting, we are hosting a contest! The top 5 affiliates with the highest number of sales during the campaign period will win a grand prize of $600: $250 to the first, $150 to the second, $100 to the third, and $50 each for the 4th and 5th.

We have a great funnel to go, including:

ALL OTOs OFFER: This is a new offer I present after the front-end. Here, we offer all OTOs with a special package of prompts as a bonus to tempt people to get them all in one hit. It sells for $138 instead of $148, with a 50% commission. After they buy, they exit the funnel.

OTO1, a collection of 986 Dall-e 3 prompts for creating more Bible images for adult's coloring books. It sells for $27 with a 50% commission.

OTO2, a collection of 2053 Dall-e 3 prompts for adult's Bible coloring books, offers 26 extra categories and 27 Amazon easy-to-rank keywords. It sells for $37 with a 50% commission. 

OTO3, a collection of 2265 Dall-e 3 prompts for coloring angels and cherubs. It sells for $37 with a 50% commission.

OTO4 is a collection of 2375 Dall-e 3 prompts for coloring the life of Jesus. They sell for $47 with a 50% commission.

Plus, by partnering with us, you will become a part of a dedicated and passionate team that values your support and is committed to helping you succeed by promoting your offers. We're here to provide any assistance you or your customers may need.
We hope to count you in!

To your success,
Alessandro Zamboni and Paulo Gro









SWIPE FILE 1 (Launch Day)


Bible Prompts Empire is Live!
Create Stunning Bible Coloring Books!


Hello and welcome.

Do you know the Bible is the most sold book in history, with over 5 billion of sales? It's one of the biggest niches of the planet.

And today you get the chance to grab 448 Dall-e 3 prompts you can use to generate coloring book images from ChatGPT, Microsoft Copilot (free), or Bing (free.)

==> Bible Prompts Empire

Why choose this coloring book prompt package?

+ All The Most Important Bible Events

We cover 448 big events, including Jesus, Women of the Bible, The Apostles, ​Old Testament Heroes, New Testament Stories​, Symbols of Faith, Psalms and Proverbs,​Revelations, Biblical Virtues, The Life of Paul, Ancient Biblical Artifacts, Biblical Botany,​Christian Seasons, Maps of Bible Lands, The Beatitudes, Church History and Martyrs.

+ Great For Coloring Books And Activity Books

The images you generate are excellent to use in coloring books for adults, activity books, Bible stories and analysis, and much more.

+ New Designs Every Time You Use The Prompts

Anytime you enter the prompt, you will get brand new designs.

Alessandro and Paulo are also offering 180 bonus ChatGPT prompts to learn how to monetize and sell Bible coloring books like you never did before. That's a super bonus!

==> Bible Prompts Empire

The Bible is timeless, and appeals to a broad audience of Christians around the globe. By incorporating these prompts into your design repertoire, you will be able to offer fresh and never-seen-before coloring books that are perfect for any occasion, be it a gift or a personal choice.

Simply click the link below to begin your journey into the enchanting Bible stories, miracles, and events!

==> Bible Prompts Empire

Thanks and see you,

SWIPE FILE 2 (Day 2)


The Power of Faith With Bible Prompts Empire!
New Prompts: Opportunity Inside!


Hello and welcome.

In an ocean of opportunities, there's a monumental launch upon us. "Bible Prompts Empire" is a revelation for coloring book authors.

Gold is generally found in niches with deep emotional connections. And what deeper connection can there be than that of faith, history, and the most read book in all of history—the Bible?

With over 5 billion copies sold, the Bible is the cornerstone of a niche ripe for tapping, and today, I'm thrilled to introduce you to a set of 448 Dall-e 3 prompts, created to help you generate beautiful coloring book images.

==> Bible Prompts Empire

Why "Bible Prompts Empire" is Your Next Big Win?

+ Comprehensive Coverage:

From Genesis to Revelations, our prompts span the entire biblical narrative. You'll bring to life the stories of Jesus, the valor of Old Testament heroes, the wisdom of Psalms and Proverbs, and much more. Each event is a story waiting to be colored.

+ Beyond Coloring:

These prompts are a gateway to creating not just coloring books but also activity books, educational materials, and spiritual journey guides, just to name a few. Your audience is waiting for products that not only entertain but also enlighten.

+ Infinite Creativity:

With each prompt, you unlock new, unique designs. The same story, a thousand different visual tales. This is the power of leveraging AI in your product creation process.

==> Bible Prompts Empire

But that's not all. As pioneers in this venture, Alessandro and Paulo extend to you 180 bonus ChatGPT prompts. These are your keys to mastering the art of monetization in the realm of Bible-themed coloring books.

In a world craving authenticity and meaning, you are at the forefront of offering something truly unique. This is your invitation to transform the ordinary into the extraordinary.

Click the link below to claim your place among those who shape the future with faith, creativity, and innovation.

==> Bible Prompts Empire

Thanks, and see you!

SWIPE FILE 3 (Day 3)


Biblical Coloring Books In a Snap?
The Power of Bible In Your Coloring Books!


Hello and welcome!

In a marketplace where differentiation is key to success, the fusion of timeless wisdom and modern technology presents a unique opportunity. I introduce you the groundbreaking "Bible Prompts Empire"—your gateway to dominating a niche that transcends time: biblical coloring books!

Imagine leveraging the most widely read and cherished book in history, the Bible, with sales surpassing 5 billion copies, to carve out a unique space in the bustling market. This is about creating a legacy, crafting stories, and touching lives through art and faith.

==> Bible Prompts Empire

Here's why "Bible Prompts Empire" stands as a great opportunity in the self-publishing landscape:

+ Infinite Content:

Spanning the breadth of biblical history, our 448 Dall-e 3 prompts encapsulate the essence of pivotal moments, from the miracles of Jesus to the wisdom of Proverbs, breathing life into each page.

+ Versatility At Its Best:

These prompts empower you to create not just coloring books but an entire ecosystem of faith-based educational and entertainment products. The possibilities are as vast as your imagination.

+ A Fresh Canvas Every Time:

The dynamic nature of these prompts ensures that every creation is unique, offering your audience a new experience with every book. This is the pinnacle of personalized storytelling.

==> Bible Prompts Empire

To bolster your journey, Alessandro and Paulo are gifting you an exclusive collection of 180 bonus ChatGPT prompts, giving you the knowledge to monetize your passion effectively. This is a roadmap to success!

Coloring books connected to the Bible are a product that resonates with millions around the globe. By integrating these prompts into your repertoire, you are not just selling books; but also spreading joy, wisdom, and a sense of belonging.

Embrace this opportunity to create something that matters, to lead with purpose, and to tap into a market waiting for someone like you to illuminate it.

==> Bible Prompts Empire

Thanks, and see you soon!

SWIPE FILE 4 (Day 5)


Last Chance!

Why Paying More For This?


Hello and welcome!

In the realm of opportunity, timing is everything. As a valued subscriber of my list, I want to ensure you are in the loop on an important update regarding "Bible Prompts Empire," your gateway to creating spiritually enriching coloring books with easy Dall-e 3 prompts.

Let me be transparent. The value packed into this prompt pack is unparalleled. With 448 Dall-e 3 prompts designed to unlock the stories of the Bible in visually stunning ways, this is something made to enhance your creativity and connection. However, the price will be increasing soon.

==> Bible Prompts Empire

Secure your access at the current price before the increase. This is an investment in endless creativity and spiritual engagement. And remember, your purchase includes not only the 448 prompts but also 180 bonus ChatGPT prompts for mastering monetization in the niche of Bible-themed coloring books.

Be among the pioneers to offer fresh, never-before-seen coloring books, activity books, stories, and more that cater to a vast audience seeking spiritual growth and mindfulness through art.

Seize this opportunity now at the most opportune moment. The stories of faith, perseverance, and wisdom in the Bible have inspired generations. Now, it's your turn to inspire with creations that resonate deeply with audiences across the globe.

Consider this your personal invitation to join an exclusive group of creators and entrepreneurs who understand the power of acting at the right moment. The clock is ticking, and this is one deadline you won't want to miss.

==> Bible Prompts Empire

To your success,



I'm very happy to count you in on this special launch, something huge. One of my best launches of all times, for customers and for affiliates like you.
Give me your preference, and I promise I will give you incredible conversions and a lot of commissions. Have any questions (review copies...etc)? Connect with me! Send an email to or search for me on Facebook.

Thanks so much and see you soon,

Alessandro Zamboni

        Paulo Gro

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